Previous Work!
Over the course of my studies at UC San Diego, I have completed numerous projects both for course credit and for the benefit of my own personal learning. Below are a highlights of what I have done as well as a brief description behind their inspiration and development.
Rock, Paper, Scissors
Also created using p5.js, this Rock, Paper, Scissors game was made with the intention of incorporating a Makey Makey into an interactive game. For those unaware, a Makey Makey is a kit used to connect any everyday object to a computer by binding that object to a specific key input. For this game, I connected the Makey Makey to an actual rock, sheet of paper and a pair of scissors. This prompted the player to have to react to the computer's random choice by physically touching one of the objects placed in front of them to win the game! For those without a Makey Makey, the game functions with the LEFT, UP and RIGHT arrow keys signifying rock, paper, scissors respectively.
Digital Guitar!
This was created using the p5.js Web Editor as intended to incorporate sound and interactivity for the user. I was inspired by my own love of guitar playing and music in general to create an interactive experience that easily shows users exactly how guitar chords function. I recorded myself playing each individual string and imported them into p5.js in order to capture the authentic sound of guitar. Now, users can switch between three different chords that I recorded and see how each string builds off one another to create the chord.
Boids Animation
The 'boids' animation was created in 1986 to resemble flocking birds through the incorporation of three simple rules and formulas. This is the iteration that I was able to create by figuring out the mathematical equations needed to ensure each object abided by all three rules given to them: cohesion, separation and alignment. This simple algorithm is used throughout many video games and animation projects in order to simulate realistic background movements.